JustCode 源码随笔-10

Attempt at creating AI surpass ChatGPT – 07
尝试创造能超越ChatGPT的人工智能 – 07











//++English Version++//

The previous article primarily discussed the possibility of gaining insights into artificial intelligence through the observation of extraterrestrial civilizations. It also raised the possibility that extraterrestrial civilizations have been secretly observing humanity. This article continues from the previous one and expands on the ideas related to extraterrestrial civilizations.

If extraterrestrial civilizations have indeed been secretly observing humanity, it’s highly likely that it’s not just one civilization doing so, but rather multiple civilizations. So, why haven’t we seen any extraterrestrial civilization launching an attack on Earth? It might not be that some extraterrestrial civilizations don’t want to attack, but rather that they dare not, as doing so would essentially declare themselves as openly bullying the weaker species. This could lead to collective retaliation from other extraterrestrial civilizations, and it would be a ruthless one without any sympathy. Therefore, there’s a possibility that the extraterrestrial civilizations observing Earth in secret have reached an agreement to wait, to not interfere with Earth’s development as much as possible, and to avoid detection by humans until humanity establishes open diplomatic relations with any extraterrestrial civilization. Only then would they decide what kind of relationship to establish with Earth.

Given the above assumption, is it necessary for humanity to actively establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

If humanity hasn’t established open diplomatic relations with any extraterrestrial civilization, then Earth would remain in a state of safety but constant covert observation, which might not necessarily be a bad thing. However, if humanity does succeed in establishing contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, then the path to establishing open interstellar diplomatic relations wouldn’t be far off. There would be new challenges at that time that are difficult to predict, but at the same time, human civilization would enter a new stage.

However, can the Sun in the solar system maintain nuclear fusion indefinitely? If billions of years from now the Sun turns into a red giant and threatens to engulf Earth, would the inhabitants of Earth have to abandon their home and seek refuge outside the solar system?

If all of this is destined to happen, then we can only try our best to explore the universe, to colonize as many habitable planets as possible, provided we do so without harming other extraterrestrial civilizations.

So, is it necessary to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and specifically with benevolent ones? It’s not about dominating the universe but rather about exploring it while ensuring the survival of humanity and truly understanding the cosmos.

Now, what does all of this have to do with individuals whose average lifespan is only a few decades when compared to the billions of years in the future?

Indeed, when compared to billions of years, a few decades seem incredibly small. Apart from the extremely unlikely possibility of appearing in historical records or visual materials from billions of years in the future, it seems that what happens billions of years from now has little to do with us. At most, when future humans evaluate the people of the 21st century, there may be a little less complaint and a little more gratitude.