JustCode 源码随笔-05

Attempt at creating AI surpass ChatGPT – 02
尝试创造能超越ChatGPT的人工智能 – 02

Continuing from the previous passage. Due to the vast number of application areas in artificial intelligence, it is difficult for individual developers to create an AI that surpasses ChatGPT considering their limited resources. However, if the scope of the application is significantly narrowed and one remains focused, there may still be hope.
接着上篇。由于人工智能应用的领域实在太多太多,以个人开发者的精力来讲,很难开发出优于ChatGPT的AI. 但是,如果应用范围缩小很多,不贪心的话,或许还是有希望的。

Therefore, taking all factors into consideration, I have decided to attempt creating an AI that surpasses ChatGPT in the field of scientific research. The project is tentatively named “小鸟Virtual Scholar.”

As the name suggests, the AI being developed aims to possess comprehensive research capabilities equal to that of a regular scholar. In the realm of scientific research, it is believed that “小鸟Virtual Scholar” will serve as a competent virtual assistant.

Whether it can be accomplished remains uncertain.

Let’s give it a try.