JustCode 源码随笔-04

Attempt at creating AI surpass ChatGPT – 01
尝试创造能超越ChatGPT的人工智能 – 01


Without a doubt, in the field of artificial intelligence chatbots, ChatGPT is considered second to none, as no one dares to claim the first place. The emergence of ChatGPT has pushed the application and popularity of artificial intelligence to a new level. As previously discussed, while there is no shortage of praises and affirmations for AI, the voices of concern, doubt, and criticism towards AI cannot be ignored. The first industrial revolution (around 1760-1840) marked the transition from manual labor to mechanical production, the second industrial revolution (around 1870-1914) propelled the rapid development of urbanization, industrialization, and transportation, and the third industrial revolution (from the late 20th century to the present) marks the transition of mankind from industrial society to information society. Now, given the development trend of artificial intelligence, is the fourth industrial revolution also on its way?


If the fourth industrial revolution is really coming, then ChatGPT may be considered as the beginning of this new industrial revolution. For example, a few years ago or even a few months ago, when we wanted to search for information, the common method was to input keywords into the browser on our mobile phones or computers, then spend time filtering through countless search results, possibly encountering a lot of advertisements and useless information. Now, with a tool like ChatGPT, we can directly ask questions and get targeted answers, saving a lot of time and effort. Another example is the common saying “different trades, different worlds”. The barriers between industries often discourage people. However, when you use a tool like ChatGPT, it can help you generate articles if you can’t write, simple programming if you can’t code, or generate scores if you can’t compose music… This was unrealistic a few years ago. The increase in productivity is already impressive.

然而,ChatGPT并不是完美的。它自己都承认”ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.”, 也就是说它也不能保证提供的信息是完全准确的;它背后需要庞大的算力支持,也即需要大量的显卡和电力等。单就第二点,这么庞大的算力,个人开发者可以犹豫一下了。

However, ChatGPT is not perfect. It admits “ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.” That is to say, it cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information it provides; it requires massive computational power behind it, which means a lot of graphics cards and electricity, etc. Just on the second point, such a large amount of computation, individual developers might hesitate.


But, we can think differently. If the cost barrier for individual developers to develop top-level AI is the massive computational power, then think about how much power does our brain have? The amount of things we think about every day, the amount of reasoning, roughly thinking, is also an astronomical number, right?

按照流行说法,人脑工作的功率一般约为20瓦,只相当于2~3只LED灯泡所需的功耗。可见,相较于ChatGPT, 人脑的工作效率是非常非常高的。

According to popular sayings, the power consumption of the human brain is generally about 20 watts, equivalent to the power consumption of 2-3 LED bulbs. It is evident that compared to ChatGPT, the efficiency of the human brain is very high.


Perhaps, the real bottleneck of artificial intelligence is not in software, but in hardware. If the hardware can reach or even exceed the level of the human brain, this will be a milestone leap in the field of AI!


For example, an A100 graphics card consumes about 400W of power. If we can achieve the computational power equivalent to 100 A100 graphics cards on 20W hardware, that is, energy efficiency is 2000 times that of the A100, then developing top-level AI by individuals may not be a dream. Alternatively, another path is to rebuild the AI architecture with an efficiency 2000 times higher than the existing one, which is also hopeful.


So, individual developers still have the hope of creating an AI even more powerful than ChatGPT.