Topics are as followed:

1.Tips for naming variables

Let’s talk about the first topic: Tips for naming variables

In programming, a variable is a container (storage area) to hold data. Different programming langugages have different rules while naming varibles, but they have some similar features. We may sometimes ignore the importance of naming variables, which may cause some unexpected errors. So, in this article, I will give some tips in my personal view for naming variables.

Let’s imagine a scene. You are a programmer, yesterday you created a project, and today you want to improve the project, you want to delete or add some functions. However, when you are in work, you meet some unexpected errors, there too many varibables in this project, but you just named them casually yesterday, and it seems that you can’t understand the logic of the project you created yesterday. You begin reading codes in this project and try to find clear logic among variables again and again, but all in failure. That means, codes in your project can run normally, but you don’t know how these codes running. What a pity.

To avoid that consequence, naming variables in a logical way may be a good method. However, different people have different thinking methods when programming, it’s not easy to say whose logic right or wrong. But at least, we could have a not bad attitude towards variable naming.

And of course, if other programmers try to maintenance your project, readable codes may be better for cooperation. When we speak natural languages in our lives, we hope others understand what we said, so we always try to orgnize words in a good way and then speak. Similarly, in programming, we may also care how to make other programmers easily understand our codes. “a,b,c, i, j, k…” may be a popular way in variable naming, but it’s not suitable in big project, cause it’s too abstract.
当然,如果其他程序员试图维护你的项目,可读的代码可能更适合合作。当我们在生活中说自然语言时,我们希望别人能理解我们所说的话,所以我们总是试图用好的方式组织单词然后说话。同样,在编程中,我们可能也会关心如何让其他程序员容易理解我们的代码。 “a,b,c, i, j, k…” 可能是变量命名的一种流行方式,但它不适合大型项目,因为它太抽象了。

Seems not easy to name variables, and we may have to put effort into it, yet worth it.

That’s all.