

  1. 什么是精神分析理论?

  2. 精神分析理论的起源是什么?

  3. 精神分析理论中的人格结构是什么?

  4. 精神分析理论中的无意识是什么?

  5. 精神分析理论中的防御机制是什么?


Psychoanalytic and psychoanalytical are used in English. The latter is the older term, and at first, simply meant ‘relating to the analysis of the human psyche’. But with the emergence of psychoanalysis as a distinct clinical practice, both terms came to describe that. Although both are still used, today, the normal adjective is psychoanalytic.

Psychoanalysis is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as

A therapeutic method, originated by Sigmund Freud, for treating mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the patient’s mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind, using techniques such as dream interpretation and free association. Also: a system of psychological theory is associated with this method.
一种由西格蒙德·弗洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 提出的治疗方法,通过调查患者头脑中有意识和无意识元素的相互作用,并使用梦解释和自由联想等技术将压抑的恐惧和冲突带入有意识的头脑中,从而治疗精神障碍。另外:心理学理论系统与这种方法相关。

Through the scope of a psychoanalytic lens, humans are described as having sexual and aggressive drives. Psychoanalytic theorists believe that human behavior is deterministic. It is governed by irrational forces, and the unconscious, as well as instinctual and biological drives. Due to this deterministic nature, psychoanalytic theorists do not believe in free will.


Freud first began his studies on psychoanalysis in collaboration with Dr. Josef Breuer, especially when it came to the study on Anna O. The relationship between Freud and Breuer was a mix of admiration and competition, based on the fact that they were working together on the Anna O. case and had to balance two different ideas as to her diagnosis and treatment. Today, Breuer can be considered the grandfather of psychoanalysis. Anna O. was subject to both physical and psychological disturbances, such as not being able to drink out of fear. Breuer and Freud both found that hypnosis was a great help in discovering more about Anna O. and her treatment. The research and ideas behind the study on Anna O. were highly referenced in Freud’s lectures on the origin and development of psychoanalysis.
弗洛伊德首先与 Josef Breuer 博士合作开始了他的精神分析研究,尤其是在涉及 Anna O.的研究时弗洛伊德和布鲁尔之间的关系是钦佩和竞争的混合体,这是基于他们在安娜 O. 案上合作的事实,并且必须平衡关于她的诊断和治疗的两种不同想法。今天,布鲁尔可以被认为是精神分析的祖父。 Anna O. 受到身体和心理障碍的影响,例如因恐惧而无法饮酒。 布鲁尔和弗洛伊德都发现催眠对发现更多关于 Anna O. 和她的治疗有很大帮助。弗洛伊德关于精神分析的起源和发展的讲座高度引用了安娜 O. 研究背后的研究和思想。

These observations led Freud to theorize that the problems faced by hysterical patients could be associated with painful childhood experiences that could not be recalled. The influence of these lost memories shaped the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of patients. These studies contributed to the development of the psychoanalytic theory.


Sigmund Freud maintained that the personality consists of three different elements, the id, ego, and the superego. The id is the aspect of personality that is driven by internal and basic drives and needs. These are typically instinctual, such as hunger, thirst, and the drive for sex, or libido. The id is also the unconscious and stems from our instinctive abilities. The id acts in accordance with the pleasure principle, in that it avoids pain and seeks pleasure. Due to the instinctual quality of the id, it is impulsive and often unaware of the implications of actions. The ego is driven by the reality principle. The ego works to balance the id and superego, by trying to achieve the id’s drive in the most realistic ways. It seeks to rationalize the id’s instinct and please the drives that benefit the individual in the long term. It helps separate what is real, and realistic of our drives as well as being realistic about the standards that the superego sets for the individual. Additionally, the Ego is how we view ourselves. This is conscious, but not always true. For example, someone could believe they are the best-looking person in the world, however, this is just an opinion they have and not everyone will agree with that belief. The superego is driven by the morality principle. It acts in connection with the morality of higher thought and action. Instead of instinctively acting like the id, the superego works to act in socially acceptable ways. It employs morality, judging our sense of wrong and right and using guilt to encourage socially acceptable behavior. Furthermore, the Superego comes from the people around us. They affect what we believe in and how we view things, so this can be different depending on how you were raised and the culture you were around. The Superego is also responsible for finding the happy medium between the Id and Ego. The Id can sometimes be overly dominant when there are humanistic urges. The Ego can be very unrealistic in terms of how we view ourselves.


The unconscious is the portion of the mind of which a person is not aware. Freud said that it is the unconscious that exposes the true feelings, emotions, and thoughts of the individual. There are a variety of psychoanalytic techniques used to access and understand the unconscious, ranging from methods like hypnosis, free association, and dream analysis. Dreams allow us to explore the unconscious; according to Freud, they are “the ‘royal road’ to the unconscious”. Dreams are composed of latent and manifest content. Whereas latent content is the underlying meaning of a dream that may not be remembered when a person wakes up, manifest content is the content from the dream that a person remembers upon waking and can be analyzed by a psychoanalytic psychologist. Exploring and understanding the manifest content of dreams can inform the individual of complexes or disorders that may be under the surface of their personality. Dreams can provide access to the unconscious that is not easily accessible.

Freudian slips (also known as parapraxes) occur when the ego and superego do not work properly, exposing the id and internal drives or wants. They are considered mistakes revealing the unconscious. Examples range from calling someone by the wrong name, misinterpreting a spoken or written word, or simply saying the wrong thing.


The ego balances the id, superego, and reality to maintain a healthy state of consciousness. It thus reacts to protect the individual from any stressors and anxiety by distorting reality. This prevents threatening unconscious thoughts and material from entering the consciousness. The different types of defense mechanisms are: repression, reaction formation, denial, projection, displacement, sublimation, regression, and rationalization.
自我平衡本我、超我和现实,以保持健康的意识状态。 因此,它通过扭曲现实做出反应,以保护个人免受任何压力和焦虑。 这可以防止威胁的无意识思想和材料进入意识。 不同类型的防御机制是:压抑、反应形成、否认、投射、置换、升华、回归和合理化。